The Second "World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences"


Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

August 2-4, 2000


Fourth Circular


Sponsors:        Overseas Chinese Earth Science and Technology Association (OCESTA)

                        Geological Society of China

                        Natural National Science Foundation, China

                        National Taiwan University

                        National Central University

                        University of Hong Kong


Theme:           Geology of China and Trends of Earth Sciences for the New Millennium


Organizing Committee:         


            J.G. (Louie) Liou, (Chairman; Stanford University)

            I-Ming Chou (Co-chairman; U.S. Geological Survey)


            Ta-liang Teng (Co-chairman; University of Southern California)

            Sun Shu (Co-chairman, Natural National Science Foundation, China)               

            Chen Yuchuan (Co-chairman, Geological Society of China, Beijing)

            Yi-Ben Tsai (Co-chairman, National Central University)


            Ho-kwang Mao (Geophysical Laboratory)

            Cong Bolin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)

            Milly Wang (Geological Society of China, Beijing)

            Ching-Hua Lo (National Taiwan University)

            Min Sun (University of Hong Kong)

            William H.K. Lee (U.S. Geological Survey, retired)

            An Yin (University of California, Los Angeles)

            Youxue Zhang (University of Michigan)

            Zhanhao Duan (University of California, San Diego)


Program Committee:


            Edmund Chang (Chairman; Stanford University)

            Chen-Lin Chou (Co-chairman; Illinois State Geological Survey)

Ta-liang Teng (Co-Chairman; University of Southern California)

            Yao Yupeng (Natural National Science Foundation, China)                              

            Ruth Zhang (Stanford University)

            Wang Yanjun (Geological Society of China, Beijing)

            Li-Yuan Hsiao (Stanford University)

            Yong-Jun Yue (Stanford University)


Tentative Schedule:


8/2 (Wednesday)


7:00 - 8:00       Pick-up participants from motel

7:30 - 8:30       Registration and continental Breakfast (Hartley Conference Rm)

8:30 - 9:30       Opening Ceremony with a few invited speakers

9:30 -10:20      Photograph and coffee break/poster

10:20 - 12:00   Plenary session (P1; four invited keynote speeches)

12:00 - 1:30     Lunch break and poster session

1:30 - 3:10       Four simultaneous sessions (session nos. 1-4)

3:00 - 3:30       Beer and coffee break/ poster

3:30 - 5:30       Session no. 1-4 (continued)

5:30 - 6:40       Short tour and walk around the Stanford Campus

6:40 - 7:30       Bus ride to restaurant (Ming’s Palace)

7:30 - 9:30       Banquet at Ming’s Palace


8/3 (Thursday) Field Trip to the San Andreas Fault and the Franciscan Complex


8:00                 Buses to pick up participants (meet at Oak and Sky Ranch motels)

8:20                 Leave for San Andreas Fault along Hwy 280

8:40                 Qverview of the San Andreas Fault at the vista point along HWY 280

10:00               Southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge

10:40               Northern end of the Golden Gate Bridge

11:30-2:30       Tiburon Melange (Blueschist/Eclogite blocks); Box Lunch

3:30 - 5:00       Ribbon Chert at the Marine Headland (northern side of the Golden Gate)

6:00 - 8:00       Dinner at China town

9:00                 Return to Motels


8/4 (Friday)     Scientific Sessions at Stanford University


7:00 - 8:00       Pick-up participants from motel

7:30 - 8:00       Continental breakfast (Hartley Conference Rm)

8:00 - 8:50       Plenary session (P2; 2 invited keynote speeches)

9:00 - 10:20     Session nos. 5-8 (4 lecture rooms)

10:20 - 10:40  Coffee break/poster

10:40 - 12:00   Session nos. 5-8 (continued)

12:00 - 1:30     Lunch break

1:30 - 3:10       Session nos. 9-12 (4 lecture rooms)

3:30 - 3:30       Beer and coffee break/poster

3:30 - 4:30       Session nos. 9-12 (continued)

4:30 - 5:00       Break/poster

5:00 – 6:00       Closing ceremony and open forum (discussion and proposals for committee and next conferences)

6:30 - 8:30       Outdoor dinner

8:30 – 9:00       Back to motels by bus





The formal presentations will be in Chinese and the tentative program is attached at the very end of this circular. Changes will be made due to cancellations. Please check the updated version from time to time on our web site ( ).


Oral Presentations:


(1)   We will have six invited keynote speeches (25 minute each); four plenary speeches will be given in the morning of August 2nd, and two in the morning of August 4th.

(2)   Except for the keynote and some presentations in session 5, each oral presentation will be limited to 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation, and 5 minutes for discussion and changeover time between speakers).  Some presentations in session 5 will be limited to 15 minutes (see attached program).

(3)   We plan to have four simultaneous oral sessions, except during the six keynote presentations. Each room will be equipped with 2 screens, two 2” x 2” (35mm) slide projectors, and two overhead (viewgraph) projectors.  If you need other audio and video equipment (including VHS player and monitor, MS Power Point Presentation), please contact Yong-Jun Yue (<>). The use of MS Power Point Presentation is discouraged, unless you bring your own computer with you. This is mainly because of many unforeseeable difficulties in the compatibility of the equipment. We strongly advise you to have a backup plan (i.e., slides or transparencies ready) if you plan to use Power Point presentation.   


Poster Presentations:


(1)   Many poster boards (1.22 m [or 4 ft] High x 1.83 m [or 6 ft] Wide) will be available for assigned presentations.  All posters should be placed on the assigned posterboards on the first day of the conference, and it will be read during coffee breaks and lunchtime on the first and last days of the conference.

(2)   If you want to present new maps or something not included in the program, please contact Yong-Jun Yue (<>).

(3)   Thumbtacks, pushpins, tape, and scissors will be available.  Additional supplies may be available, however, if you have special needs for your poster presentation, please contact Yong-Jun Yue.



Weather and Clothes:


It could be quite cool in early August at San Francisco area; bring your sweater or light jacket. For the field trip, we recommend comfortable clothes and shoes (no hi-heels, please).  


Abstract volume:


We have received 127 abstracts, and they together with short field trip guide will be compiled and bounded into the conference volume for distribution at the meeting.


Registration Fee:


We have received minor financial supports from Natural National Science Foundation, China, National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, and School of Earth Sciences and Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences of Stanford University. If these funds are successfully transferred to our account, a registration fee of US$140 for each participant and US$70 for each student, accompanying person, and keynote speaker will be charged. It will cover the costs for the abstract volume, meals (including 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, one banquet on 8/2, and one dinner on 8/4), coffee, tea, and other drinks for breaks and poster sessions, and transportation for field trip, during the meeting, and between airport and motel (the fee is fixed even you may miss some of the activities).

Please pay cash (US dollars) when you register; checks (including travelers checks) or credit cards will not be accepted. A formal receipt will be provided.  




The cost for the motels nearby Stanford area is very expensive. We have made arrangements with the first three motels. Please make your own reservation as early as possible, because it will be difficult to find rooms available in the area near Stanford University in August (note that no more two-bed rooms are available at Sky Ranch Inn and Oak Motel). The easiest way to make reservation is by sending a fax directly to the motel or you may send e-mail to Ms. WANG who will pair you to smoking or non-smoking rooms or to I-Ming Chou.  These motels are close by and will be easy to assemble for bus transportation. You may also make reservation with Super 8 (see hotel No. 4 below) through internet; it offers group rate. If you are from mainland China, and need help, please contact:


Ms. WANG, Yanjun

Geological Society of China

26 Baiwanzhuang Rd., Beijing 100037, China

Fax:      86-10-68311324

e-mail:  "Geo SC" <>


 (1) Sky Ranch Inn:

        Address: 4234 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California, CA 94306

        Phone:      (650) 493-7221 


        Fax:          (650) 493-0858

            There are 11 rooms of two beds, $93.5 total/night

There are 17 rooms of one bed (king-size or queen-size), $82.5 total/night (for one or two persons)

            Continental breakfast is included.


(2) Oak Motel:

        Address: 4279 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California, CA 94306

        Phone:      (650) 493-6644

                        (650) 493-6645

        Fax:          (650) 493-3593

           There are 18 rooms with two beds, $108.90 total/night

            There are 21 rooms with one bed, $86.90 total/night (for one or two persons)

            Continental breakfast is included.


(3) Motel 6:

       Address:   4301 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306

       Phone:       (650) 949-0833      

       Fax:           (650) 941-0782

       There are about 60 rooms available, either with two beds or with one king-size bed.

The rates are $69.29/night for one person (Monday to Thursday) and 80.29/night for weekend

$75.89/ night for two persons (Monday to Thursday) and $86.89/night for weekend

       They don't serve continental breakfast but only coffee.


(4)   Super 8: (for detail, local map, and reservation, see the web site

   [Specify the city of Palo Alto in California when you

search in the web site]

       Address: 3200 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306

       Phone:       650-493-9085 or 1-800-800-8000

       Fax:     (650) 493-8405


Local Transportation:


We will try to arrange your transportation between San Francisco Airport and motel for those who arrive on August 1st and leave on August 5th.  Those arrive or depart in different dates need a special arrangement.  Please give the following information to Ms. Wang Yanjun before she leaves Beijing on July 29: (1) dates of arrival and departure; (2) flight numbers and arrival and departure time; (3) how many people in your group; and (4) which motel will you stay and the length of your stay.


Otherwise, make your own arrangement with Blue shuttle (you can find information at airport; it costs about $25 from airport to Palo Alto) or Bay Porter Express at:

Phone: (415) 467-1800, or 1-800-287-6783 (from San Francisco Airport only); 

Fax: (415) 467-8783.

Price: $19 for the first passenger, additional passenger $10 each, and children under 12 years old $5 each. 2 bags per person, additional bags $2 each. (Prices subject to change).

For a group of 7 passengers, the total cost will be $60 (better to have reservation about two weeks in advance).


If you are at San Francisco Airport, and absolutely don’t know how to make arrangement for your local transportation, please call Prof. Liou at  (650) 723-2716 or Dr. Zhang Ruyuan at (650) 723-5028. 


Medical Insurance:


We suggest that you purchase your own medical insurance for the period of your visit in United States. It is important to have this protection, because the medical expenses in US are quite expensive. Stanford University, OCESTA, and any other sponsors of this conference will not be responsible for any of your medical expenses.


Additional Information:


(1) Currently we have more than 150 people indicated that they would attend the meeting; the list of possible participants and the list of abstracts received are given in the OCESTA web site ( We plan to post all abstracts in the web site.


(2) If you need an invitation letter for visa application, and haven’t received it by now, please let us know right away. If you plan to make additional travel or stay to the other cities or organizations during your visit to the U.S., please make your own arrangement.


(4)   The program given below is just a tentative one.  We expect all papers will be presented in the conference.  However, if you know for sure that you will, for whatever reason, not be able to come to present your paper, please notify us as soon as possible, so that we can make necessary adjustment in our program. We also need to make reservations for bus services and meals (especially the banquet); we appreciate very much that you let us know in advance that you will not be able to come or will miss some of the events.  In this way, we can keep expenses within our budget.


(5)   If you need us to help you make motel reservation, we will be happy to do so; the room assignment will soon be posted in our web site.  Please check it to make sure that it is what you want. Again, please notify the motels or us if you change you arrival date; otherwise, we still need to pay whether you use the service or not, because your reservation was guaranteed by Prof. Liou’s credit card.


(6)     For more information, please contact Edmund Chang ( ), I-Ming Chou (< >), J. G. Liou (<

(7) >) or Wang Milly/Wang Yanjun (< t>).  To be more efficient, please communicate with organizers in English.


(8)   We like your constructive suggestions for the conference. Please send them to us.