The 1999 Chinese American Academic & Professional Convention (CAAPCON 1999)

Call For Papers

一 九 九 九 年 第 六 屆 北 美 華 人 學 術 研 討 會 公 開 徵 求 論 文

The 1999 Chinese American Academic and Professional Convention (CAAPCON 99) will be held at the Hyatt Regency Washington Hotel (on Capitol Hill), Washington, D.C., July 2-5, 1999. The Convention will be hosted by the Chinese American Professional Association of Metropolitan Washington, D.C. ( 華 府 國 建 聯 誼 會 ) in cooperation with six other academic and professional associations in North America.

The theme of the Convention will be "Marching Towards the New Century: Exploring the New Frontier ( 邁 向 新 世 紀 , 開 拓 新 境 界 )". The following eleven topics will be discussed at the Convention.

1. Foreign Relations and Relations across the Strait: Expansion of Pragmatic Foreign Relations, Interactions of Pragmatic Diplomacy & Relations across the Strait, Assessment of Current Overall Relations across the Strait, and Central Role of Hong Kong in the Development of Relations across the Strait.

2. Social and Judicial Development: Annuity and Pension, Social Welfare, Law and Order, and Social Equity and Justice.

3. Cultural and Educational Development: Cultural Promotion, Cultural Exchanges, Mass Media Communications, Educational Reforms, and Educational Exchanges.

4. Economic Development: WTO's Impact on Taiwan, Asia/Pacific Regional Operations Center Program, Economic & Trade Relations across the Strait, Restructuring of Industry, Industrial Safety, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Global Export Promotion, and Strategies and Solutions for Asian Financial Crises,

5. Fiscal Policy and Financial Market: Liberalization and Discipline of Financial Markets, Regulations of Financial Markets, Risk Assessments of Foreign Investment, Taiwan's Fiscal Issues and Recommendations for Improvement.

6. Strategy for Scientific and Technological Developments: Advanced Technologies (including Remote Sensing, Satellite Communications, Information Technology, Biological Technology, Automation, Nuclear Waste Treatment, Life Extension of Nuclear Power Plant, Alternative Energy Sources, and New Materials), Ocean, Weather, and Natural Disasters, International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchanges, Societal Impact Assessments of Newly Developed Technologies.

7. Development and Management of Transportation Systems: Management of Urban Transportation Systems, Inter-City Transportation Systems, International Transportation Systems, Communications and Tourism, Economic Assessment and Financing of Transportation Projects, BOT and Project Financing, International Network and Systems, and Management of Large Scale Public Construction Project.

8. Medicine and Health: Promotion of Health Care Quality and Restructuring of Public Hospitals.

9. Environmental Protection: Environmental Protection and Quality of Life, Environmental Protection and Sustained Growth, International Environmental Cooperation and Exchange, Environmental Education, and Resources Conservation and Recycle.

10. Agricultural Development: Trade Liberalization and Food Safety, Promoting Competitiveness and Agricultural Development, Welfare of Farmers and Fishermen, Quarantine of Animals and Plants, Promoting International Agricultural Cooperation and Exchange, Mutually Beneficial Agricultural Exchanges across the Strait, and Developmental Strategies and Direction of Sustainable Agriculture.

11. New Thoughts on 21st Century Labor Policy: How to Establish a Sound Employment Security System, How to Establish a Safe Working Environment, How to Establish an Effective Mechanism to Resolve Labor/Management Disputes, and How to Improve the Quality of Labor Force and Increase Labor Productivity.

Three Discussion Panels on the following topics are also planned in the Convention:

I. Investment and Infusion of Advanced Technologies.

II. Overseas Chinese Affairs in the New Century.

III. Studying Abroad and Returning Homeland to Serve.


The official languages of the Convention are Chinese and English where applicable. Authors are requested to provide 10 copies of a 500-word abstract (one page maximum) for a 20-minute presentation before February 10, 1999. Notice of acceptance will be mailed by March 15, 1999. The paper must describe clearly original work on the subjects listed above. The abstract must be prepared in single-sided, double-spaced typewritten form with name(s) of author(s), both in English and Chinese, affiliation, complete return address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address clearly listed on the first page. Author(s) of accepted papers will be required to submit a final manuscript (up to 4 pages including figures) in camera ready format for publication in the Convention Proceedings by May 1, 1999. The Convention will provide partial reimbursement for travel expenses to attend the Convention for the authors of the accepted papers.


For inquiry, please contact co-chairs of the Convention's Technical Program Committee, Prof. Lien-Fu Huang, 703-893-1002 (H & Fax), e-mail:; Dr. Davidson T. Chen, 202-404-8127 (O), 202-404-7453 (Fax), e-mail:; or Dr. Wu-Lang Lee, Chair, CAAPCON 1999, P. O. Box 75045, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20013, U.S.A. 301-424-1584 (H), 301-309-8204 (Fax), and e-mail: