Dear members of NACESA and NACGA:

It is my pleasure to announce that our web site is ready for public use. The construction of this web site has been an arduous task, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Zhang Hua and Duan Zhenhao for their considerable efforts to make it possible.

In order to present to you with a reasonably organized web page, several important decisions have had to be made. After consultation with several members of both Associations, Zhenhao and I have decided on the following:

(1) The name for our web site will be;
(2) Our joint Association will temporarily be called "Overseas Chinese Earth Science and Technology Association (OCESTA)";
(3) The Constitution of NACESA will be temporarily adopted as the Constitution of OCESTA;
(4) Dr. Chen-Lin Chou will chair a committee for the revision of our Constitution;
(5) I and Duan Zhenhao will temporarily serve as president and vice president of OCESTA, respectively, and our terms will be terminated when replacements are elected according to our revised Constitution;
(6) To join OCESTA, just submit a member's profile form on our web page. No membership fee is required at this time;

Now, we need your help! If you think you can contribute by serving on one of the following three committees, please let me know immediately:
1) Constitution Revision Committee,
2) Membership Committee, and
3) Meetings Committee. Also, we still need a logo for OCESTA.

I will keep you informed when the initial construction of our web site is completed, and I am looking forward to having your suggestions and active participation.

With my best wishes,

I-Ming Chou
955 National Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Reston, VA 20192
U. S. A.
Tel: (703) 648-6169
FAX: (703) 648-6032