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Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources 

8 – 10 June 2006
Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in the Asian Developing World

Guangzhou, China
Sponsors: Zhongshan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, others
Contact: X. Chen Department of Water Resources and Environment, Zhongshan University Guangzhou China 510275 Phone: +011-86-20-8411-5901 Fax: +011-86-20-8411-4575 E-mail: eescxh@zsu.edu.cn Web Site: cwre.zsu.edu.cn/mwra Abstract Deadline: 31 October 2005

The conference aims to offer a platform for water experts and professionals to exchange views and research findings on a wide range of water problems in Asia. Topics include hydrological science and engineering for solving water problems, management of water environment, and sustainable water resources management.

消息来源 www.geochina.org