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Name: Dr. Penny King
Email: penny.king@uwo.ca
Organization: Univ. Western Ontario
Date: 03 Apr 2002
Time: 16:12:54


Masters and doctoral students are sought for geochemistry research
projects in the "Experimental Analysis Laboratory", Department of Earth
Sciences at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Several projects
that involve field, analytical and/or experimental techniques are
available. Specific projects include investigations of partitioning of
volatiles between fluid and melts, and investigations of diffusion
kinetics in materials, with application to igneous and environmental
processes. More details may be found at www.uwo.ca/earth/king.

The "Experimental Analysis Laboratory" was renovated recently to include
two high-pressure piston-cylinders, two high temperature furnaces, and a
gas-mixing, rapid-quench furnace. The lab also contains a micro-Fourier
Transform infrared spectrometer with a custom-built gas-mixing heating
stage. Students will have access to state-of-the-art analytical
facilities at the university (e.g., micro-XRD, SIMS, TOF-SIMS, FE-SEM,
micro-Raman, micro-XPS, Auger, AFM, electron microprobe and stable
isotope lines). The University of Western Ontario has a strong tradition
in geochemistry and collaborative projects may be available with several
faculty. Further details about the department and the available
facilities may be found at http://www.uwo.ca/earth.

The entering graduate students will learn techniques that are applicable
to positions in industry, academia and government. Graduate students at
the University of Western Ontario receive a minimum salary of $17,000
per year, typically composed of monies paid for work as a teaching
assistant and supplemented by research funds.

Review of applicants will commence immediately, until the positions are
filled. The application requirements are outlined on the department web
page: http://www.uwo.ca/earth/grad/index2.htm. Students who might be
interested in these projects may have undergraduate degrees in Geology,
Environmental Science, Chemistry, Materials Science, or Engineering.
Please address any further inquiries to Dr. Penny King:

Dr. Penny King
Dept. Earth Sciences
Univ. Western Ontario
London ON N6A 5B7 Canada
Ph. 519-850-2421
Fax. 519-661-3198

消息来源 penny.king@uwo.ca

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