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M.Sc. or Ph.D. candidates 

Name: Roberta L. Flemming, Assistant Professor
Organization: University of Western Ontario
Date: 02 Apr 2002
Time: 16:16:21


Dr. Roberta Flemming at the Department of Earth Sciences at University of Western Ontario
has four openings for M.Sc. or Ph.D. candidates interested in pursuing fundamental or
applied studies of minerals in the following areas:
1. Fundamental understanding and quantification of mineral behavior as a function of
pressure (P), temperature (T) and composition (X). Projects will involve mineral synthesis
(at high PT), and determination of crystal structure (by X-ray diffraction/Rietveld
refinement), crystal chemistry (by EPMA), and cation ordering (X-ray diffraction and NMR
give long-range and short-range cation ordering information, respectively). 29Si NMR
provides a measure of Si/Al disorder in aluminosilicates, which cannot be discerned by
X-ray methods. Aluminous pyroxenes are the subject of ongoing research (Am. Min. 87:25, 2002).
A wide variety of other minerals are also of interest.

2. Development of minerals as geothermobarometers, or indicators of T and P of rock
formation, through the systematic variation of their chemical and crystallographic parameters.
Cation partitioning between minerals, and cation ordering within minerals, are both functions
of P-T-X. Understanding the relationship between intercrystalline and intracrystalline cation
distributions will help us to understand the thermal history of important rock types such as
eclogites, peridotites, kimberlites, carbonatites, and ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks.
Currently of interest are garnet-clinopyroxene equilibria, olivine-spinel equilibria,
two-pyroxene systems, and exsolution phenomena.

3. Development of X-ray diffraction/Rietveld modal analysis as a tool for geologists.
At present, X-ray diffraction is underutilized in the areas of mineral exploration and mineral
processing. This pilot project will involve testing X-ray diffraction/Rietveld modal analysis
as a tool for monitoring mineral extraction methods, using samples provided by participating
Canadian industries.

4. Development of X-ray microdiffraction as a tool for geologists. A CFI-funded
microdiffractometer will provide a unique opportunity to correlate crystal structural information
with chemical and spectroscopic data on a grain-by-grain basis, on a microscopic scale (30-50 um)
not previously available routinely. A variety of projects are envisaged, such as X-ray
identification of ~{!.~}diamond indicator minerals~{!/~} (e.g. G-10 garnet) by correlation of
diffraction data to geochemical data.
Facilities available at UWO include a Bruker DISCOVER X-ray diffractometer-
microdiffractometer with 2D area detector and videomicroscope (Flemming CFI- arriving in May 2002),
Varian 400 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer (Chemistry), two high-T synthesis laboratories
(Flemming and Fleet), two high-pressure laboratories (King and Secco), as well as EPMA, FTIR,
and XRF facilities in Earth Sciences, and XPS, AFM, SEM and SIMS facilities at Surface Science
Western. If you wish to obtain more information about these projects, or other possible projects,
please contact Dr. Roberta Flemming (519-661-3143, rflemmin@uwo.ca). Collaborative projects with
other faculty members are also possible. Research and teaching assistantships are guaranteed for
qualified students. Additional information can be obtained by visiting the Department of Earth
Sciences website at http://www.uwo.ca/earth.

Roberta L. Flemming, Assistant Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario
Biology and Geology Building
London, Ontario, N6A 5B7
Phone: 519-661-3143 Fax: 519-661-3198

消息来源 Dr. Roberta Flemming

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