In Loving Memory of Dr. Hoom-Bin Lo |
羅鴻炳先生追思儀式 In Loving Memory of Hoom-Bin Lo March 11, 1945 – February 9, 2011 3:00 PM, Tuesday February 15, 2011 Memorial Oaks Funeral Home Chapel 13001 Katy Freeway, Houston TX 77079 - 羅鴻炳先生生平事畧 羅鴻炳先生是在1945年3月11日出生於台灣的新竹縣湖口鄉,父母務農,在家排行老么,上有四兄兩姊。鴻炳先生是在典型的客家莊裏度過他的童年時光,小學及中學是搭乘火車到中壢及新竹就讀。他自新竹中學畢業後考取台大,於1964-1968 間就讀於台大地質糸,台大畢業後服完兵役並回母校擔任助教一年。先生於1970年來美留學,先是就讀於芝加哥的西北大學,順利取得碩士學位,接著又到西維吉尼亞卅立大學深造,取得地質學博士的學位。 學業有成後,先生於1977 年舉家遷來休士頓, 先是任職於Geo Chem,兩年後轉職到Exxon 公司從事地球化學的研究。此後二十年間,先生在Exxon工作勝任愉快,貢獻良多,深受公司器重,同事敬佩。 2000 年先生自Exxon退休,此後在從事顧問工作之餘,經常與好友暢遊名山大川,實現多年來之心願。正思從此可以樂享天年,不意天妒英才,先生不幸於2007 年經診斷患得肺癌,經過三年半的藥物治療與辛苦奮鬥後,終究不敵病魔,於2011 年2月9日在休士頓M. D. Anderson Cancer Center與世長辭。 先生秉性忠厚,克己檢樸,個性耿直、開朗且幽默,兼之心志淡泊,不慕名利,為人處事總能做到客觀無私,先人後己,是以廣受友朋敬重。先生興趣相當廣泛,工作之餘,舉凡電腦、橋牌、理財、網球等無不鑽研自學,卓然有成。先生自Exxon退休後即積極參與此間的各大社團的活動。 台大校友會、石油協會、客家會、客家民謠班、橋牌社、中定太極社等都常見到他的蹤跡,各社團也都受惠於他的參與與貢獻。鴻炳先生的家庭和樂美满,為人稱羨。他與夫人李正秋女士是在芝加哥讀書時所結識,因情投意合而締結連理。夫妻俩婚後鶼鰈情深,出雙入對。他對唯一的女兒芳婷至為關愛,呵護之情常溢於言表,是慈父也是良師,陪她從小勤練網球,南征北討,參加各項比賽。芳婷亦不負父母厚望,在校時成績優異,表現傑出,畢業後有良好工作,並覓得如意郎君。先生嘗謂此生最樂之事,乃是兩年前攜愛女步入禮堂,親手將她交給年輕有為、篤實可靠的女婿 Tim McGee。 先生生性豁達,患病之後,在妻女的全心照顧及親朋、好友、鄉親們的關懷協助下,從不氣餒或自怨自艾,一貫以樂觀積極的心態面對疾病的挑戰,在病情轉遽之際,更主動安排自己後事,並確保妻女生活得到妥善安置。 我們所敬愛的羅鴻炳先生現在已經脫離病痛而長久地安息了。在人世間,我們將無法再見到他。但是,對他無盡的懷念與哀思卻會長存在你我心中,直到久遠。 In Celebration of the Life of Mr. Hoom-Bin Lo Mr. Hoom-Bin Lo was born March 11, 1945 to a farming family in Huko, Taiwan and was the youngest of 5 boys and 2 girls. He enjoyed his childhood in the Hakka-style environment and spent his pre-college school years in Chungli and Hsinchu via train rides. He studied at Taiwan University, majoring in Geology from 1964-1968 and spent the year following college in the Marine Corps and as a teaching assistant at Taiwan University. He came to the United States in 1970, received a MS degree from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and received his PhD from West Virginia University. In 1977, he came to Houston and worked for the Geo Chem Co. and began his Geochemistry research work for Exxon Production and Research Co. in 1979 where he remained until his retirement in 2000. In 2007, Hoom-Bin was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. After three and a half years of treatment, Hoom-Bin passed away peacefully at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center on February 9th, 2011. Hoom-Bin was a kind, good natured and laid back person with a dry sense of humor. He always had a plan for everything. He was non-biased, non-judgmental and always pushed others to view things from different points of views and angles. He had a variety of interests besides his research work and showed talents working with computers, bridge, personal finance and tennis. He enjoyed his retirement years volunteering to the communities he was a part of including NTAUUH, CAPA, Hakka Association, Hakka folk song class, bridge club, and Chan Wai Kwong Taiji Academy. His pride and joy was his family and he dedicated his life to being a good husband to his wife Cheng-Chiu and father to his daughter Tiffany. He spent many of her childhood years accompanying her to tennis tournaments around Texas and cheering her on from the sidelines. His biggest joy was to walk her down the aisle and give her away to his son-in-law Tim McGee. Hoom-Bin Lo was an optimistic person. After his diagnosis, he never complained or showed any sort of self pity. Instead he seized life to the fullest and with the loving care of Cheng-Chiu and Tiffany, as well as encouragement from his relatives and friends, he accepted each and every challenge with a positive attitude. When it became evident that his condition was worsening, he spent his time planning so that his wife and daughter would live comfortably and support each other after his passing. Mr. Hoom-Bin Lo is now at peace but to his family, relatives and friends, his memory and legacy will live on forever. |
消息来源 I-Ming Chou 2/14/2011 |