Chinese Resource and environment sciences sustained
development conference
A Chinese Resource and environment sciences sustained development conference will be hold
in Feb. 1999, Beijing, China. This conference is to honor Prof. Tu, Guangzhi on the
occasion of his 80th birthday and his
60th years engaged in earth science.
This conference is organized by the Chinese Society of Mineralogy, Petrology, and
geochemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geochemistry (Guiyang),
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Institute
of Geology (Beijing) and Laizhou Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of sciences.
Professor Tu is a highly respected Chinese geochemist and ore deposits geologist with an
excellent International reputation.
Technical section of the conference
1. The geochemistry of Supper large ore deposits.
2. Environment, gas and fluid geochemistry
3. The relationship between environment protection and mineral resource developments.
4. New theory, New method and new branch of Geochemistry.
1 Abstract dead line: July 30, 1998. The abstract is about 2500 to 3000 words (English or
Chinese), with necessary figs and tables.
2. Meeting will be hold in Feb. 1999, Beijing, China for three days.
3.Conference organization office: Contact Prof. NI, Jizhong
Address: Prof. NI, Jizhong
Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guiyang, Guizhou province.
P. R. China 550002
Tel: (86851) 5829905 ext. 316
Fax: (86851) 5822982
In case you could not reach Prof. Ni, you could contact me.
Sincerely yours
Huan-Zhang Lu
Dept. Science de la terre
Universite du Quebec at Chicoutimi
Chicoutimi, Quebec, G7H 2B1
Tel; 418 545 5011 ext. 5257
Fax: 418 545 5012
Previous Announcement:
05-04-1998 UHPM Workshop at Stanford (Second Circular) 04-18-1998 Opening of the website